Bail Amount for Violating a Restraining Order

Restraining orders can negatively impact your daily life. This is because a restraining order affects your mental health, income, family, and relationship. It is even more devastating if it separates you from your work or loved ones. Even though the order may seem unfair, it’s best to follow the restrictions closely. Violating a restraining order is illegal and can land you in jail.

Luckily, you can secure your release by posting bail. Today, we will discuss everything about bail bonds for violating a restraining order.

What Exactly is a Restraining Order?

A restraining order, also called a no-contact or protective order, is a court order issued to protect a victim or organization from being mentally, sexually, or physically abused or threatened. The person who obtains a court order is known as the protected person, whereas the other individual is known as the restrained person. Restraining orders can sometimes cover close loved ones, including relatives and children. Some of the activities that a restraining order might prohibit include:

  • Stalking the protected party

  • Threatening the protected party

  • Harassing the protected party

  • Contacting the protected party

  • Attacking the protected party

  • Destroying property belong to the protected party.

What Happens When Someone Obtains a Restraining Order Against You?

After someone files restraining order against you, the court will set a hearing date. The other party can also get an emergency protective order to protect them as they await the full hearing. The notice of the hearing will be delivered to your last known address through a publication, mail, or physically. The protected party must provide proof of delivery to prove to the court that the paperwork was delivered.

After that, a hearing will be held, and the judge will determine if there is enough evidence of harassment, abuse, or threats to issue a restraining order. The restraining order will specify the type of contact and prohibited activity. Some orders might prohibit you from calling or emailing the other party. Other orders might only prohibit physical contact. Take your time to understand the restrictions so you don’t violate the order.

What are the Different Types of Restraining Orders?

There are various kinds of restraining orders in California. Each has its unique specification. Knowing the difference between each type of order will help you follow the restrictions as closely as possible. It will also help you fight the restriction if you think it’s unfair. Let’s discuss the common types of restraining orders in California below:

Domestic Violence Restraining Order

In California, abusing an intimate partner sexually, emotionally, psychologically, verbally, or physically is illegal. According to The California domestic violence laws, an intimate partner refers to a spouse, former spouse, the other parent, someone you are dating or in a sexual relationship with, or those cohabitating together. It is also essential to note that someone can file a restraining order against a partner in a homosexual or heterosexual relationship. Domestic violence restraining orders, also called DVRO, can last up to five years. To determine the length of the order, the judge will look at the factors of the case.

Civil Harassment Restraining Order

Unlike a DVRO, a civil harassment restraining order is issued if the person you want to restrain is not an intimate partner or a close relative. Civil harassment restraining orders also protect individuals from threats, physical abuse, harassment, and stalking. You can use a civil harassment restraining order to restrain a friend, roommate, distant relatives, neighbor, and more. Civil harassment restraining orders last from 21 days to five years.

Gun Violence Restraining Order

The gun violence restraining order prohibits an individual from having a gun or ammunition. When a gun violence restraining order is issued against you, you will be banned from possessing or owning a firearm. Moreover, you cannot buy a gun, ammunition, or magazines. This order also prohibits you from selling or storing guns. It is important to note that a gun violence restraining order cannot prohibit you from contacting or going near your relatives or friends. These orders usually last anywhere from 21 days to 1 year.

Elder or Dependent Abuse Restraining Order

An elder or dependent abuse restraining order protects those above 65 years or adults with specific mental or physical disabilities that hinder them from protecting themselves. This restraining order is issued to protect dependent and older adults against physical abuse, neglect, abduction, isolation, financial abuse, physical harm, mental suffering, and abandonment.

What Will Happen If You Violate a Restraining Order in California?

Violating a restraining order is illegal and might result in a criminal conviction or criminal charges. Additionally, a violation may also lead to fines and jail times. Depending on the case, the offense will be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. A first violation may be charged as a misdemeanor, while subsequent violations will be treated as a felony.

How Much is Bail for Violating a Restraining Order?

The bail amount for violating a restraining order depends on many factors. The judge will look at the bail schedule, your criminal history, and the severity of the crime to determine how much bail you should pay for violating a restraining order. The bail schedule can be found online or at the booking facility. Moreover, the judge will determine if you are a flight risk. This usually takes place during a bail hearing.

Generally, serious crimes tend to have a higher bail. Fortunately, you can secure your release from jail within 24 hours by working with a reputable bail bonds company.

Get the Best Affordable Bonds for Restraining Order Violations in California

We at Golden Boy Bail Bonds are ready to get you or a loved one out of jail quickly. Unlike other bail bond agencies, you can count on our excellent customer care service, flexible payment plans, ability to be fast, and experienced agents to get you home to your loved ones in no time. We are conveniently located and have agents standing by 24 hours every day. Call us at 619-231-0200 for the best restraining order violation bail bonds in California.